Digital and Paper Publishing of Your Book: First Impulse to Final Output

Do you have a spark or idea and want to write a book ?
Do you want to complete the book you had started to write, but struck in between ?

Guru Bruno’s “Plan to Promote” Workshop
Guru Bruno’s “Plan to Promote” Workshop

Enroll in this Guru Bruno’s “Plan to Promote” Workshop ! You will learn every thing needed about

  • Planning
  • Penning (Writing)
  • Presenting (Type Setting, Design)
  • Publishing in Paper and Online (eBook, Kindle)
  • Packing and Delivering
  • Promoting the Books Offline and Online
  • Presentation by Participants

Dates for the next batch will be updated here. Rs 700 Workshop Fees (exclusive of Applicable Taxes)

7 Seats only. First Come First Serve. Register at this link 

The Earlier Workshop was from 14th July 2024 to 20th July 2024 : 10 PM to 11 PM IST